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Σχετικά με τη METROLAB
Οικονομικά στοιχεία
Προμηθευτές & Συνεργάτες
Θέσεις εργασίας
Χρωματογραφία & Φασματοσκοπία Μάζας
Στήλες LC
Hypersil GOLD
Bio-LC columns
Application Specific Columns
Classical Columns
GL Sciences
InertSustain C18
Στήλες GC
GL Sciences
Όργανα GC, GC/MS
YL 6500
YL 6900 GC/MS
Γεννήτριες αερίων
Γεννήτριες Υδρογόνου
Γεννήτριες Αζώτου
Γεννήτριες Zero Air
Αυτόματοι δειγματολήπτες
Υγρή έγχυση
All-in-one & SPME
Όργανα LC, LC/MS
HPLC YL 9100
YL9900 LC/MS
Σύστημα ανακύκλωσης κινητής φάσης SRS Pro
Προετοιμασία δείγματος
Φασματόμετρα AA
GBC SavantAA Σ
GBC SavantAA Zeeman
Φασματόμετρα ICP, ICP/MS
GBC OptiMass 9500
GBC Integra XL
GBC Quantima
Φασματόμετρα UV-Vis
SI Analytics UviLine
GBC Cintra
Φασματόμετρα RAMAN
BWTek i-Raman plus
BWTek i-Raman EX
BWTek NanoRam
BWTek TacticID
Φλογοφωτόμετρα BWB Tech
Προετοιμασία δείγματος
Φούρνοι Μικροκυμάτων
BERGHOF speedwave 4
BERGHOF speedwave Expert
BERGHOF speedwave Entry
Δοχεία Υψηλής Πίεσης BERGHOF
Συστήματα σύντηξης Breitlaender
Πολυπαραμετρικά Όργανα WTW
Φορητά Πολύμετρα
Εργαστηριακά πολύμετρα
Αισθητήρας MPP IDS
Μέτρηση pH, ORP, Ion
Πεχάμετρα WTW
Πεχάμετρα πεδίου WTW
Πεχάμετρα SI Analytics
Μέτρηση αγωγιμότητας
Αγωγιμόμετρα WTW
Αγωγιμόμετρα πεδίου WTW
Μέτρηση διαλελυμένου Οξυγόνου
Φορητά Οξυγονόμετρα WTW
Τιτλοδότες SI Analytics
Αυτόματες προχοϊδες SI Analytics
Αυτόματοι τιτλοδότες SI Analytics
Τιτλοδότες Karl Fischer SI Analytics
On-Line συστήματα νερού WTW
Online Ελεγκτές WTW
Ελεγκτής 1 καναλιού DIQ 181
Πολυπαραμετρικό IQ Sensor Net 2020XT
Διαλελυμένο Οξυγόνο
Αιωρούμενα στερεά
Θολερότητα Online
Επίπεδο Ιλύος
Φωσφορικά Αναλυτής
Φωτόμετρο (COD, BOD, TOC, DOC, SAC, UVT, TSS, NO3, NO2)
Αισθητήρας Νιτρικών Αμμωνιακών
Ανάλυση νερού
Φασματοφωτόμετρα WTW UV-VIS
Φωτόμετρα Φίλτρων WTW
Φορητά Φωτόμετρα πεδίου WTW
BOD μέτρηση WTW
BOD Oxitop
BOD Oxitop Respiration
Θολερότητα WTW
Έλεγχος σωματιδίων, φίλτρων, ποιότητας αέρα
Μετρητές σωματιδίων
Airborne Particle Counters
Lighthouse Handhelds
Lighthouse Portable Apex
Lighthouse Solairs
Lighthouse REMOTE Apex
Lighthouse REMOTE
Lighthouse Gas Particle Counter
Lighthouse 3016-IAQ
Συστήματα συνεχούς παρακολούθησης
Lighthouse LMS Enterprise
Lighthouse LMS Pharma Advanced
Lighthouse LMS Pharma Modular
Lighthouse LMS Express
Έλεγχος φίλτρων
Aerosol Photometers
DOP Solutions dop touch 3500
DOP Solutions SP200-B
Aerosol Generators DOP Solutions
Positive Injection Pumps DOP Solutions
Δειγματολήπτες αέρα
Έλεγχος δισκίων
DISTEK symphony 7100
DISTEK 2500 Select
DISTEK Dissolution Sampler Evolution 4300
DISTEK Dissolution Sampler Eclipse 5300
DISTEK Opt-Diss 410 Fiber Optic UV
Disintegration & Friability
DISTEK sensIR 3200
Σκληρότητα, Διαστάσεις & Βάρος
Content Uniformity DISTEK PrepEngine
CHROM4 Dissolution Vessels
CHROM4 Dissolution Baskets, Shafts and Paddles
CHROM4 Dissolution Sampling Cannula and Filters
CHROM4 Dissolution Sinkers
Έλεγχος σταθερότητας
ARALAB Stability chambers
ARALAB Photostability chambers
ARALAB Controllers and software
Θερμιδόμετρα καύσης IKA
C200 calorimeter
C1 Calorimeter
C6000 Calorimeter
C6000 isoperibol Calorimeter
Αναλώσιμα - Περιφερειακά Θερμιδομετρίας IKA
Έλεγχος ενδοτοξινών
Rapid Testing
Endosafe PTS
Endosafe MCS
Endosafe Nexus
Endosafe PTS Gram ID
Endosafe PTS glucan assay
Όργανα μέτρησης
Endosafe Readers
Endosafe EndoScan-V
Endosafe Microtrend
Αντιδραστήρια & Αναλώσιμα
Endosafe Kinetic Turbidimetric LAL
Endosafe Kinetic Chromogenic LAL
Endosafe Gel-Clot LAL
Endosafe Endotoxin Removal
Endosafe LAL Assay Accessories
Endosafe PTS/MCS Cartridges
Θρεπτικά υλικά
LabM Χρωμογόνα θρεπτικά υλικά
LabM Θρεπτικά υλικά σε σκόνη
LabM Συμπληρώματα
LabM Captivate
Kit ταυτοποίησης
Microgen Latex tests
Microgen Bιοχημικά Tεστ ταυτοποίησης
Πρότυπες καλλιέργειες
Mecconti MicroPellets
Mecconti MicroSwabs
Μικροβιολογία νερού IDEXX
Colilert E.coli - ολικά κολοβακτηριοειδή
Enterolert Εντερόκοκκοι
Pseudalert Ψευδομονάδα
Filta Max Κρυπτοσπορίδιο & Γιάρδια
Βιολογικοί δείκτες
Εξοπλισμός αναλύσεων τροφίμων
Εργαστηριακός εξοπλισμός
Αντιδραστήρια & Πρότυπα
Χημικά πρότυπα - LGC Standards
Περιβάλλον - Νερό
Τρόφιμα - Ποτά
Κλινικά - Τοξικολογικά
Καύσιμα - Λιπαντικά
Φυσικά πρότυπα
Metrolab CHEM 2017
Product overview
LLG WWW-Catalog
Entries 1 to 169. Total of 169 entries found.
Accessories for analytical balance Explorer
/ Ohaus
Accessories for Benchtop Shaking Incubators / Ohaus
Accessories for Compact balances Compass™ CX/CR / Ohaus
Accessories for Dry Block Heaters / Ohaus
Accessories for Homogeniser HT Lysing HOHTDG / Ohaus
Accessories for Multi-Tube Vortex Mixers / Ohaus
Accessories for orbital shakers / Ohaus
Accessories for Portable Balances, Scout
SKX / STX / Ohaus
Accessories for Rocking Shakers SHRK series and Tumbling Shakers SHWV series / Ohaus
Accessories for semi-micro balances Adventurer™ AX / Ohaus
Accessories Moisture balances MB series / Ohaus
Adapters for bucket 1 x 750 ml for swing out rotor 4 x 750 ml / Ohaus
Adapters for Minicentrifuge Frontier™ 5000 / Ohaus
Adapters for racks 250 ml for swing out rotor 4 x 250 ml / Ohaus
Adapters for rotors for centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Micro, Multi and Multi pro / Ohaus
Adapters for swing out rotor 4 x 1000 ml / Ohaus
Adjustable platforms, stainless steel / Ohaus
Analytical balances Adventurer
AX / Ohaus
Analytical balances Explorer
EX / Ohaus
Analytical balances Explorer
EX, with automatic draftshield doors / Ohaus
Analytical balances Pioneer
PX / Ohaus
Analytical Balances PR / Ohaus
Anti-theft device for Analytical balances Explorer® / Moisture balances MB Series / Ohaus
Blocks and Combination Blocks for Standard Test Tubes for Dry Block Heaters / Ohaus
Blocks for Benchtop Shaking Incubators / Ohaus
Blocks for Microcentrifuge and Centrifuge tubes for Dry Block Heaters / Ohaus
Blocks for PCR vessels and 96/384 well plates for Dry Block Heaters / Ohaus
Blocks for Vials for Dry Block Heaters / Ohaus
Blood tube package 1000 ml-bucket for floor centrifuges FC5917RF/FC5917RF Short / Ohaus
Blood tube package 500 ml-bucket for floor centrifuges FC5917RF/FC5917RF Short / Ohaus
Bucket 1 x 1000 ml for swing out rotor 4 x 1000 ml / Ohaus
Bucket 1 x 500 ml or 7 x MTP for swing out rotor 4 x 1000 ml / Ohaus
Buckets 1 x 750 ml for swing out rotor 4 x 750 ml / Ohaus
Cell culture package 1000 ml-bucket for floor centrifuges FC5917RF/FC5917RF Short / Ohaus
Cell culture package 500 ml-bucket for floor centrifuges FC5917RF/FC5917RF Short / Ohaus
Centrifuge Frontier™ Multi FC5707, with angle rotor R05 / Ohaus
Centrifuge Frontier™ Multi FC5707, with angle rotor R09 / Ohaus
Centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Micro / Ohaus
Centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Multi Pro, FC5714 / Ohaus
Centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Multi Pro, FC5718 / Ohaus
Centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Multi Pro, FC5718R, cooled / Ohaus
Centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Multi Pro, FC5720R, cooled / Ohaus
Centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Multi Pro, FC5816 / Ohaus
Centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Multi Pro, FC5816R, cooled / Ohaus
Centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Multi Pro, FC5916 / Ohaus
Centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Multi Pro, FC5916R, cooled / Ohaus
Centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Multi, with angled rotor 12 x 15 ml / Ohaus
Centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Multi, without rotor / Ohaus
Compact balances Compass™ CR / Ohaus
Compact balances Compass™ CX / Ohaus
Cover for Universal holder / Ohaus
Culture platforms, stainless steel 304 / Ohaus
Cup head for Vortex Mixers / Ohaus
Cuvette Block for Dry Block Heaters / Ohaus
Density determination kit / Ohaus
Dot matrix printer SF40A for OHAUS® balances and moisture analysers / Ohaus
Dot matrix printer with bluetooth SF40A/BT for OHAUS® balances and moisture analysers / Ohaus
Dry Block Heaters, 2 blocks, with lid / Ohaus
Dry Block Heaters, analogue / Ohaus
Dry Block Heaters, digital / Ohaus
Erlenmeyer Flask Clamps, PVC / Ohaus
Fixed angle rotor 6 x 85 ml, RB, ID for Frontier™ Multi Pro FC5718 / FC5718R / FC5816 / FC5816R / Ohaus
Fixed angle rotors for Centrifuge Frontier™ 5000 Multi / Ohaus
Fixed angle rotors for Centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Micro / Ohaus
Fixed angle rotors for Frontier™ 5000 Multi Pro / Ohaus
Fixed angle rotors for Frontier™ 5000 Multi Pro, for high speed / Ohaus
Fixed angle rotors for Micro centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Micro / Ohaus
Fixed angle rotors for Mini Centrifuge Frontier™ 5000 Mini / Ohaus
Flask Clamps, stainless steel / Ohaus
Floor-standing centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Multi Pro, FC5917RF Short, cooled / Ohaus
Floor-standing centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Multi Pro, FC5917RF, cooled / Ohaus
Foam inserts for Mini Vortex Mixers / Ohaus
Foam inserts for universal holder / Ohaus
Halogen moisture balances MB120 / Ohaus
Holders for Mini Vortex Mixers / Ohaus
Homogeniser HT Lysing HOHTDG / Ohaus
Hotplate Guardian™ 2000, with round top plate / Ohaus
Hotplate Guardian™ 2000, with square top plate / Ohaus
Hotplate Guardian™ 5000 / Ohaus
Hotplate Guardian™ 5000, Set / Ohaus
Hotplate stirrers Guardian™ 5000, with round top plate / Ohaus
Hotplate stirrers Guardian™ 5000, with round top plate, Set / Ohaus
Hotplate stirrers Guardian™ 5000, with square top plate / Ohaus
Hotplate stirrers Guardian™ 5000, with square top plate, Sets / Ohaus
Incubating Cooling Thermal Shakers / Ohaus
Incubating Heavy Duty Orbital Shakers / Ohaus
Ionizer ION-100A / Ohaus
Lid for bucket 1 x 750 ml and 1 x 1000 ml / Ohaus
Magnetic stirrer Guardian™ 2000, with round top plate / Ohaus
Magnetic stirrer Guardian™ 2000, with square top plate / Ohaus
Magnetic stirrer Guardian™ 5000, without heating / Ohaus
Magnetic stirrer Guardian™ 7000, with round top plate / Ohaus
Magnetic stirrer Guardian™ 7000, with square top plate / Ohaus
Magnetic stirrer with heating Guardian™ 2000, with round top plate / Ohaus
Magnetic stirrer with heating Guardian™ 2000, with square top plate / Ohaus
Microcentrifuge Frontier™ FC5513, without rotor / Ohaus
Microcentrifuge Frontier™ FC5513-K, with angle rotor for 24 x 1.5/2.0 ml tubes / Ohaus
Microcentrifuge Frontier™ FC5513-L, with angle rotor for 18 x 1.5/2.0 ml tubes / Ohaus
Microplate Clamp, stainless steel 304 / Ohaus
Microplate holder for Vortex Mixers / Ohaus
Microplate shaker Endeavor™ 5000 / Ohaus
Microplate vortex mixer VXMPAL, analogue / Ohaus
Microplate vortex mixer VXMPDG, digital / Ohaus
Mini Centrifuge Frontier™ 5000 Mini / Ohaus
Mini Vortex Mixer VXMNAL, analogue / Ohaus
Mini Vortex Mixer VXMNDG, digital / Ohaus
Mini Vortex Mixer VXMNFS / Ohaus
Mini Vortex Mixer VXMNPS, digital / Ohaus
Moisture Analyser MB32 / Ohaus
Moisture Analyser MB62 / Ohaus
Moisture Analyser MB92 / Ohaus
Moisture balances MB23 and MB25 / Ohaus
O-Rings for screw lids centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 / Ohaus
Orbital shaker Endeavor™ 5000 / Ohaus
Orbital shaker SHEX1619DG / Ohaus
Orbital shaker SHHD, analogue / Ohaus
Orbital shaker SHHD, digital / Ohaus
Pocket Balances Type JE / Ohaus
Portable Balances Navigator™ / Ohaus
Portable Balances, Scout
SKX / Ohaus
Portable Balances, Scout
STX / Ohaus
Precision Balances Adventurer
AX / Ohaus
Precision Balances Explorer
EX / Ohaus
Precision balances Pioneer
PX / Ohaus
Precision balances PR / Ohaus
Racks for swing out rotor 4 x 250 ml / Ohaus
Reciprocating shaker / Ohaus
Removing aid for bucket 500 ml or 7 x MTP / Ohaus
Rocking shaker SHRK04DG, digital / Ohaus
Rocking shaker SHRK07AL1, analogue, one-tier / Ohaus
Rocking shaker SHRK07AL2, analogue, two-tier / Ohaus
RS-232 interface kit for Navigator™ balances / Ohaus
Rubber mat / Ohaus
Rubber mats for Universal platforms / Ohaus
Screw lids for buckets and racks centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 / Ohaus
Semi-micro balances Adventurer™ AX / Ohaus
Separatory Funnel platform, stainless steel / Ohaus
Shaking incubator with cooling ISICMBCDG / Ohaus
Shaking incubator with rocking motion / Ohaus
Shaking incubator with tumbling motion / Ohaus
Shaking Incubators ISLD / Ohaus
Sinker for density determination kit / Ohaus
Special platforms, stainless steel 304 / Ohaus
Sticky mat / Ohaus
Swing out rotor 6 x 5 ml RB for Frontier™ 5000 Multi / Ohaus
Swing out rotor 6 x 5 ml, RB for Centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Multi / Ohaus
Swing out rotor for Centrifuges Frontier™ 5000 Multi Pro / Ohaus
Swing-out rotor 16 x 50 ml, ID for Frontier™ Multi Pro FC5816 / FC5816R / Ohaus
Swing-out rotor 2 x 3 MTP, ID, for Frontier™ Multi Pro / Ohaus
Swing-out rotor 4 x 100 ml, ID for Frontier™ Multi Pro FC5714 / FC5718 / FC5718R / Ohaus
Swing-out rotor 4 x 100 ml, ID, hermetically sealable for Frontier™ Multi Pro FC5714 / FC5718 / FC5718R / Ohaus
Swing-out rotor 4 x 250 ml, ID for Frontier™ Multi Pro FC5816 / FC5816R / Ohaus
Temperature Probe Kit for Dry Block Heaters / Ohaus
Thermal paper roll for printer STP103 / Ohaus
Thermal printer STP103 / Ohaus
Thermal Shaker ISTHB / Ohaus
Tube racks, half size, stationary / Ohaus
Tube racks, half size, stationary or pivoting / Ohaus
Tumbling Shakers SHWV series / Ohaus
Universal holder for Vortex Mixers / Ohaus
Universal platform / Ohaus
Universal platforms, stainless steel 304 / Ohaus
Vessel holders for universal holder / Ohaus
Vortex mixer for multi tubes VXMTAL, analogue, stainless steel housing / Ohaus
Vortex mixer for multi tubes VXMTALB, analogue, painted steel housing / Ohaus
Vortex mixer for multi tubes VXMTDG, digital, stainless steel housing / Ohaus
Vortex mixer for multi tubes VXMTDGB, digital, painted steel housing / Ohaus
Vortex mixer VXHDAL, analogue / Ohaus
Vortex mixer VXHDDG, digital / Ohaus