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Σχετικά με τη METROLAB
Οικονομικά στοιχεία
Προμηθευτές & Συνεργάτες
Θέσεις εργασίας
Χρωματογραφία & Φασματοσκοπία Μάζας
Στήλες LC
Hypersil GOLD
Bio-LC columns
Application Specific Columns
Classical Columns
GL Sciences
InertSustain C18
Στήλες GC
GL Sciences
Όργανα GC, GC/MS
YL 6500
YL 6900 GC/MS
Γεννήτριες αερίων
Γεννήτριες Υδρογόνου
Γεννήτριες Αζώτου
Γεννήτριες Zero Air
Αυτόματοι δειγματολήπτες
Υγρή έγχυση
All-in-one & SPME
Όργανα LC, LC/MS
HPLC YL 9100
YL9900 LC/MS
Σύστημα ανακύκλωσης κινητής φάσης SRS Pro
Προετοιμασία δείγματος
Φασματόμετρα AA
GBC SavantAA Σ
GBC SavantAA Zeeman
Φασματόμετρα ICP, ICP/MS
GBC OptiMass 9500
GBC Integra XL
GBC Quantima
Φασματόμετρα UV-Vis
SI Analytics UviLine
GBC Cintra
Φασματόμετρα RAMAN
BWTek i-Raman plus
BWTek i-Raman EX
BWTek NanoRam
BWTek TacticID
Φλογοφωτόμετρα BWB Tech
Προετοιμασία δείγματος
Φούρνοι Μικροκυμάτων
BERGHOF speedwave 4
BERGHOF speedwave Expert
BERGHOF speedwave Entry
Δοχεία Υψηλής Πίεσης BERGHOF
Συστήματα σύντηξης Breitlaender
Πολυπαραμετρικά Όργανα WTW
Φορητά Πολύμετρα
Εργαστηριακά πολύμετρα
Αισθητήρας MPP IDS
Μέτρηση pH, ORP, Ion
Πεχάμετρα WTW
Πεχάμετρα πεδίου WTW
Πεχάμετρα SI Analytics
Μέτρηση αγωγιμότητας
Αγωγιμόμετρα WTW
Αγωγιμόμετρα πεδίου WTW
Μέτρηση διαλελυμένου Οξυγόνου
Φορητά Οξυγονόμετρα WTW
Τιτλοδότες SI Analytics
Αυτόματες προχοϊδες SI Analytics
Αυτόματοι τιτλοδότες SI Analytics
Τιτλοδότες Karl Fischer SI Analytics
On-Line συστήματα νερού WTW
Online Ελεγκτές WTW
Ελεγκτής 1 καναλιού DIQ 181
Πολυπαραμετρικό IQ Sensor Net 2020XT
Διαλελυμένο Οξυγόνο
Αιωρούμενα στερεά
Θολερότητα Online
Επίπεδο Ιλύος
Φωσφορικά Αναλυτής
Φωτόμετρο (COD, BOD, TOC, DOC, SAC, UVT, TSS, NO3, NO2)
Αισθητήρας Νιτρικών Αμμωνιακών
Ανάλυση νερού
Φασματοφωτόμετρα WTW UV-VIS
Φωτόμετρα Φίλτρων WTW
Φορητά Φωτόμετρα πεδίου WTW
BOD μέτρηση WTW
BOD Oxitop
BOD Oxitop Respiration
Θολερότητα WTW
Έλεγχος σωματιδίων, φίλτρων, ποιότητας αέρα
Μετρητές σωματιδίων
Airborne Particle Counters
Lighthouse Handhelds
Lighthouse Portable Apex
Lighthouse Solairs
Lighthouse REMOTE Apex
Lighthouse REMOTE
Lighthouse Gas Particle Counter
Lighthouse 3016-IAQ
Συστήματα συνεχούς παρακολούθησης
Lighthouse LMS Enterprise
Lighthouse LMS Pharma Advanced
Lighthouse LMS Pharma Modular
Lighthouse LMS Express
Έλεγχος φίλτρων
Aerosol Photometers
DOP Solutions dop touch 3500
DOP Solutions SP200-B
Aerosol Generators DOP Solutions
Positive Injection Pumps DOP Solutions
Δειγματολήπτες αέρα
Έλεγχος δισκίων
DISTEK symphony 7100
DISTEK 2500 Select
DISTEK Dissolution Sampler Evolution 4300
DISTEK Dissolution Sampler Eclipse 5300
DISTEK Opt-Diss 410 Fiber Optic UV
Disintegration & Friability
DISTEK sensIR 3200
Σκληρότητα, Διαστάσεις & Βάρος
Content Uniformity DISTEK PrepEngine
CHROM4 Dissolution Vessels
CHROM4 Dissolution Baskets, Shafts and Paddles
CHROM4 Dissolution Sampling Cannula and Filters
CHROM4 Dissolution Sinkers
Έλεγχος σταθερότητας
ARALAB Stability chambers
ARALAB Photostability chambers
ARALAB Controllers and software
Θερμιδόμετρα καύσης IKA
C200 calorimeter
C1 Calorimeter
C6000 Calorimeter
C6000 isoperibol Calorimeter
Αναλώσιμα - Περιφερειακά Θερμιδομετρίας IKA
Έλεγχος ενδοτοξινών
Rapid Testing
Endosafe PTS
Endosafe MCS
Endosafe Nexus
Endosafe PTS Gram ID
Endosafe PTS glucan assay
Όργανα μέτρησης
Endosafe Readers
Endosafe EndoScan-V
Endosafe Microtrend
Αντιδραστήρια & Αναλώσιμα
Endosafe Kinetic Turbidimetric LAL
Endosafe Kinetic Chromogenic LAL
Endosafe Gel-Clot LAL
Endosafe Endotoxin Removal
Endosafe LAL Assay Accessories
Endosafe PTS/MCS Cartridges
Θρεπτικά υλικά
LabM Χρωμογόνα θρεπτικά υλικά
LabM Θρεπτικά υλικά σε σκόνη
LabM Συμπληρώματα
LabM Captivate
Kit ταυτοποίησης
Microgen Latex tests
Microgen Bιοχημικά Tεστ ταυτοποίησης
Πρότυπες καλλιέργειες
Mecconti MicroPellets
Mecconti MicroSwabs
Μικροβιολογία νερού IDEXX
Colilert E.coli - ολικά κολοβακτηριοειδή
Enterolert Εντερόκοκκοι
Pseudalert Ψευδομονάδα
Filta Max Κρυπτοσπορίδιο & Γιάρδια
Βιολογικοί δείκτες
Εξοπλισμός αναλύσεων τροφίμων
Εργαστηριακός εξοπλισμός
Αντιδραστήρια & Πρότυπα
Χημικά πρότυπα - LGC Standards
Περιβάλλον - Νερό
Τρόφιμα - Ποτά
Κλινικά - Τοξικολογικά
Καύσιμα - Λιπαντικά
Φυσικά πρότυπα
Metrolab CHEM 2017
Product overview
LLG WWW-Catalog
Entries 1 to 200. Total of 201 entries found.
Adhesive Mats ASPURE, MDPE / As One Corporation
Adhesive Mats ASPURE, MDPE / As One Corporation
Adhesive Rolls ASPURE, antistatic / As One Corporation
Adhesive Rolls ASPURE, PE / As One Corporation
Adhesive Rolls ASPURE, with emboss / As One Corporation
Adhesive Tape, PVC / As One Corporation
AGV ASPURE Induction magnetic tape / As One Corporation
Antistatic Cutter / As One Corporation
Antistatic Double-Sided Tape ASPURE, PE / As One Corporation
Antistatic mats ASPURE, rubber / As One Corporation
Antistatic Mouse Pad / As One Corporation
Antistatic Pen stand / As One Corporation
Antistatic Scissors / As One Corporation
Arm Bands ASPURE, Polyester / As One Corporation
ASPURE Clipboard, transparent / As One Corporation
ASPURE Conductive Binder, A4 / As One Corporation
ASPURE Conductive Pipe File / As One Corporation
ASPURE Electrostatic Refill / As One Corporation
ASPURE ESD Ballpoint Pen / As One Corporation
ASPURE ESD Clear File / As One Corporation
ASPURE ESD Clear Laminate Film / As One Corporation
Boots for cleanroom ASPURE, long type / As One Corporation
Boots for cleanroom ASPURE, short type / As One Corporation
Brush ASPURE / As One Corporation
Caps ASPURE, for cleanroom, Polyester / As One Corporation
Caps ASPURE, Polyester / As One Corporation
Caps ASPURE, Polyester, with cushioning / As One Corporation
Cell pen swabs ASPURE / As One Corporation
Clean Room Bag, polyester / As One Corporation
Clean Room Bags, PVC / As One Corporation
Clean Swabs for cleanroom ASPURE / As One Corporation
Cleanroom dustcloth ASPURE / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Notebook / As One Corporation
Cleanroom papers ASPURE / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Papers ASPURE / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Papers ASPURE, economy / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Papers ASPURE, sterilized / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipers ASPURE, AS-3R, Solvent resistant / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipers ASPURE, cupro / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipers ASPURE, polyester / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipers ASPURE, polyester / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipers ASPURE, polyester / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipers ASPURE, polyester / nylon / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipers ASPURE, Polyester / nylon / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipers ASPURE, polyester / nylon / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipers ASPURE, polyester, sterilized / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipers ASPURE, PURE-3 / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipes ASPURE, polyester / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipes ASPURE, polyester / nylon / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipes ASPURE, polyester / nylon / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipes ASPURE, polyester / viscose / As One Corporation
Cleanroom Wipes Bemcot
/ As One Corporation
Cleanroom-Swabs / As One Corporation
Common Point Ground Cord ASPURE, with connecting port / As One Corporation
Conductive Double-Sided Tape ASPURE, PE / As One Corporation
Conductive Finger cots ASPURE, anti-static, latex / As One Corporation
Conductive Finger cots ASPURE, anti-static, latex / As One Corporation
Conductive Gloves ASPURE LINE PU-coated, white, Anti-static, Nylon, coated palm / As One Corporation
Conductive Gloves ASPURE LINE, Anti-static, white, Nylon / As One Corporation
Conductive Gloves ASPURE LINE, white, Anti-static, Nylon, coated fingertips / As One Corporation
Conductive Gloves ASPURE, Anti-static, grey, Nylon / As One Corporation
Conductive Gloves ASPURE, Anti-static, grey, Nylon, coated fingertips / As One Corporation
Conductive Gloves ASPURE, Anti-static, grey, Nylon, coated palm / As One Corporation
Conductive Sheets ASPURE, PVC / As One Corporation
Cool Arm Covers ASPURE, Polyester / PU / As One Corporation
Cotton smooth glove, white / As One Corporation
Cotton smooth glove, white / As One Corporation
Device Protection Film ASPURE, PE / As One Corporation
Disposable cleanroom overall ASPURE, SMS, sterile / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves ASPURE II, latex, heavy / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves ASPURE II, latex, High Grip, totally embossed / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves ASPURE II, latex, smooth / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves ASPURE II, latex, totally embossed / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves ASPURE II, Nitrile, heavy / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves ASPURE II, Nitrile, High Grip, totally embossed / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves ASPURE II, Nitrile, smooth / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves ASPURE II, Nitrile, totally embossed / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves ASPURE SP, Latex, totally embossed / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves ASPURE SP, Latex, totally embossed / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves ASPURE SP, Nitrile, fingertip embossed / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves ASPURE SP, Nitrile, High-grip type, fingertip embossed / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves ASPURE, Nitrile / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves SUPER PURE, latex, sterile / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves, ASPURE High Purity Polyethylene / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves, ASPURE PVC / As One Corporation
Disposable Gloves, ASPURE, Seamless, PU / As One Corporation
Disposable Socks ASPURE, Polyester / As One Corporation
ESD Antistatic Screwdriver Soft Finish
/ As One Corporation
ESD Calculator / As One Corporation
ESD Clean Fatigue Reducing Mats ASPURE / As One Corporation
ESD Cushion Roll Mats ASPURE, PVC / As One Corporation
ESD Floor Marking Tape, PVC / As One Corporation
ESD Floor Marking Tape, PVC / As One Corporation
ESD Service Kit ASPURE / As One Corporation
ESD sheet ASPURE, adhesive / As One Corporation
ESD sheet ASPURE, high-performance / As One Corporation
ESD sheets ASPURE / As One Corporation
ESD-Wrist Straps ASPURE, cordless type / As One Corporation
ESD-Wrist Straps ASPURE, silicon, with cord / As One Corporation
ESD-Wrist Straps ASPURE, stainless steel / As One Corporation
ESD-Wrist Straps ASPURE, with cord / As One Corporation
ESD-Wrist Straps ASPURE, with cord / As One Corporation
Finger coats ASPURE, anti-static, Sulfur free, Natural rubber / As One Corporation
Finger Cots "High Grip", natural rubber / As One Corporation
Finger Cots ASPURE, anti-static, Natural rubber / As One Corporation
Finger cots ASPURE, anti-static, Nitrile / As One Corporation
Floor mats ASPURE, PVC / As One Corporation
Floor Wiper / Clean Mop ASPURE / As One Corporation
Foot Straps ASPURE, for heel / toe / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE ASPERITY DETECTING, left hand / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE ASPERITY DETECTING, right hand / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE ASPERITY DETECTING, white, left hand / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE ASPERITY DETECTING, white, right hand / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE BLACK, PU-coated / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE COOL, High grip, PU-coated / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE ESD, 3 halffinger, white / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE ESD, Anti-static, grey, Nylon, coated fingertips / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE ESD, Anti-static, grey, Nylon, coated palm / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE ESD, Anti-static, white, Nylon / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE LONG, PU-coated / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE LONG, PU-coated / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE LONG, PU-coated / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE LONG, PU-coated / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE, polyester, PU laminated / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE, PU laminated / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE, PU laminated / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE, PU-coated / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE, PU-coated / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE, PU-coated / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE, PU-coated / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE, PU-coated, nylon / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE, PU-coated, nylon / As One Corporation
Gloves ASPURE, white, nylon / As One Corporation
Ground cords for floor mats / As One Corporation
Half-finger glove ASPURE, white, nylon / As One Corporation
Hand Wrap ASPURE, glass / As One Corporation
Handcleaner Rolls ASPURE / As One Corporation
Handcleaner Rolls ASPURE / As One Corporation
Handles for adhesive rolls ASPURE / As One Corporation
Hangers, stainless steel / As One Corporation
Hood and mask for cleanroom / As One Corporation
Hood for cleanroom, polyester / As One Corporation
Hoods ASPURE, for cleanroom overalls, Polyester / As One Corporation
Hoods ASPURE, for cleanroom overalls, Polyester, with integrated mask / As One Corporation
Hoods ASPURE, for cleanroom, Polyester, with protective cushioning / As One Corporation
Jackets / pants ASPURE, for cleanroom, Polyester / As One Corporation
Jackets / pants ASPURE, for cleanroom, Polyester, with pockets / As One Corporation
Jackets ASPURE, for cleanroom, Polyester / As One Corporation
Laboratory coat ASPURE, for cleanroom, Polyester, with zip / As One Corporation
Masks ASPURE, for cleanroom overalls, Polyester / As One Corporation
Mop ASPURE / As One Corporation
Narrow-Mouth Bottles, PP, graduated, sterilized / As One Corporation
Narrow-Mouth Bottles, PP, graduated, sterilized, clean package / As One Corporation
Overall for clean room ASPURE, lateral zip, polyester / As One Corporation
Overall for clean room ASPURE, polyester, with side pocket / As One Corporation
Overall for cleanroom ASPURE, polyester, with hood and mask / As One Corporation
Overall for cleanroom ASPURE, polyester, with integrated hood / As One Corporation
Overall for cleanroom ASPURE, polyester, with integrated hood / As One Corporation
Overall for cleanroom ASPURE, polyester, with integrated hood / As One Corporation
Overall for cleanroom ASPURE, polyester, with pen pocket / As One Corporation
Overall for cleanroom ASPURE, polyester, with side leg pocket / As One Corporation
Overall for cleanroom, front zip, polyester / As One Corporation
Pails / As One Corporation
Pants ASPURE, for cleanroom, Polyester / As One Corporation
Precision Work Glove ASPURE, Nylon / As One Corporation
PU Coated Gloves, nylon / As One Corporation
PU Coated Gloves, nylon / As One Corporation
Pure Seal Tape ASPURE, PTFE / As One Corporation
Safety Boots for cleanroom ASPURE, long type / As One Corporation
Safety Boots for cleanroom ASPURE, short type / As One Corporation
Safety Shoes ASPURE, with velcro tape / As One Corporation
Screw snap kit / As One Corporation
Screw Tube Bottle / As One Corporation
Shoes ASPURE / As One Corporation
Static electricity removing mats / As One Corporation
Static Electricity Removing Mats, PVC / As One Corporation
Sticky Mats ASPURE, LDPE / As One Corporation
Sticky Mats ASPURE, LDPE / As One Corporation
Sticky Mats ASPURE, MDPE, antibacterial / As One Corporation
Sticky Mats ASPURE, PU, wipeable / As One Corporation
Sticky Sheet for Air Shower ASPURE, MDPE / As One Corporation
Sweat Bands ASPURE, PP / As One Corporation
Tape ASPURE ESD, Cellulose / As One Corporation
Tape ASPURE with ESD Logo, PET / As One Corporation
Tape ASPURE, polyimide / As One Corporation
Transfer Sheets Paper for handcleaner rolls ASPURE / As One Corporation
Undergloves ASPURE long, white, nylon / As One Corporation
Undergloves ASPURE seamless, white, polyester / As One Corporation
Undergloves ASPURE SILVIX, white, nylon / As One Corporation
Undergloves ASPURE, black, polyester or nylon / As One Corporation
Undergloves ASPURE, Polyester / As One Corporation
Undergloves ASPURE, white, nylon / As One Corporation
Undergloves Half Finger, Nylon / As One Corporation
Undergloves white, polyester or nylon / As One Corporation
Undergloves, ASPURE cool, white polyester / As One Corporation
Undermat for Sticky Mats ASPURE / As One Corporation
Wide-Mouth Bottles, PP, graduated, sterilized / As One Corporation
Wide-Mouth Bottles, PP, graduated, sterilized, clean package / As One Corporation
Wipers ASPURE, polyester / As One Corporation
Zipper bags / As One Corporation