Heidolph Scientific 

Circulating Coolers Hei-CHILL 600 / 1200

For reliable continuous operation in laboratory and production with cooling capacities from 250 to 5000 W.
  • Clearly arranged control elements
  • Large LED display
  • membrane keypad
  • Sight glass for checking the temperature control liquid level
  • Automatic start and shut down feature
With rollers for placement under a lab bench.
Temperature range:-10 ... 40 °C
Temperature stability:± 0.5 K
Protection class DIN EN 60529:IP 32
Power supply:230 V / 50 Hz, 115 V / 60 Hz
Flow rate:20 l / min.
Delivery pressure, max.:1.3 bar
Dimensions (W x D x H):350 x 480 x 595 mm
Circulating Coolers Hei-CHILL 600 / 1200

Circulating Coolers Hei-CHILL 600 / 1200

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Circulating Coolers Hei-CHILL 600 / 1200

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kW at 20 °C
PKCat. No.   
Hei-CHILL 60060019.812 691  to Login / Registration
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