Heidolph Scientific 

Distilling Spiders for Rotary Evaporators Hei-VAP series

Distilling Spiders for Rotary Evaporators Hei-VAP series

Distilling Spiders for Rotary Evaporators Hei-VAP series

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Distilling Spiders for Rotary Evaporators Hei-VAP series

Customers also bought:

DescriptionPKCat. No.   
Distillation spider with 6 sleeves, NS 29/3217.047 235 
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Distillation Spider with 12 cups, NS 29/3217.047 236  to Login / Registration
Distilling Cup 20 ml, NS 14/2317.047 238  to Login / Registration
Spider Body for 6 cups, NS 29/3217.047 239  to Login / Registration
Spider Body for 12 cups, NS 29/3217.047 240  to Login / Registration
Distillation Spider with 5 flasks, 50 ml, NS 29/3217.047 243 
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Distillation Spider with 5 flasks, 100 ml, NS 29/3217.047 244 
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Single Flask 50 ml, NS 24/2917.047 245  to Login / Registration
Single Flask 100 ml, NS 24/2916.228 464 
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Spider Body for 5 flasks17.047 247  to Login / Registration
Suitable for:
Rotary Evaporators Hei-VAP Core Packages / Heidolph Scientific
Rotary Evaporators Hei-VAP Core, with hand lift / Heidolph Scientific
Rotary Evaporators Hei-VAP Core, with motor lift / Heidolph Scientific